Finally I found some more info on the Ausfallflagge (repair flag). This description has been found in the manual D76 “Panzerangriff im Rahmen einer Infanteriedivision vom 23 Juni 1936.” When the flag was hung (ruhig gehalten) it meant ‘Breakdown,” when it was waved (geschwenkt), it meant “Help Required!” Type of flag a) hung […]
Search Results for: lukas friedli
We are pleased to announce our first hardcover book, “Repairing the Panzers,” by Lukas Friedli. And what a book it is! All told, it is a massive 256 pages, with close to 300 photos depicting all aspects of maintenance, repair and recovery of German AFVs in exquisite detail. The majority of photos are unpublished, and […]
Panzer Tracts No.16-1: Bergepanther While researching Panzer Tracts No.16-1, the Panzer Tracts team made important discoveries. The history of the Bergepanther was challenging to unravel: first, there was a lack of clarity in the original German documentation; second, the Allies were only interested in the vehicle equipped with the 40t winch and associated spade. Now, […]
Panzer Tracts No.8-1: Sturmpanzer Panzer Tracts No.8-1 includes a significant number of brand-new photos taken during the production of the Sturmpanzer assault tank at the Wien Arsenal in Austria. Also, access to an original photo album from Deutsche Edelstahlwerke means that the quality and detail of photo coverage of the Sturmpanzer production at Duisburg is […]
Panzer Tracts No.4-3: Pz.Kpfw IV Ausf.H and J Panzer Tracts No.4-3 starts at the end of the Pz.Kpfw.IV story. This history includes 26 pages of 1:35 and 1:10 scale CAD drawings of the Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H May 43 (Vomag), Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.H Oct 43 (Krupp), Pz.Kpfw.IV Ausf.J Mar 44 (NiWerk), Befehlspanzer IV Ausf.J Sep 44, Beobachtungspanzer IV […]
Greeting Panzerwreckers. I am pleased to announce that Panzerwrecks has taken over Panzer Tracts, which closed its doors after many years of trading. The stock held in the US is making its way to the UK as I write this. As many will know, Panzer Tracts by the late Tom Jentz, Hilary Doyle and latterly, […]
Repairing the Panzers Vol.2 by Lukas Friedli Why did the Blitz against Russia fail? How did winter and desert conditions affect operational readiness? Why weren’t captured Russian vehicles pressed into service like French and other vehicles were? What was the purpose of the ‘Panzerstützpunkt’ of 1944? What kept heavy Panzers from mixing in with lighter […]
Panzer Tracts No.22-5 – Armoured and Flak Sd.Kfz.7 Panzer Tracts No.22-5 – Armoured and Flak Sd.Kfz.7 features impressive new facts about the history of the armoured 8-ton halftrack built together with the 8.8cm Flak 18 bunker buster “Bunkerknacker”. Until now, the self-propelled guns on half-track “Sfl. auf m.Zgkw. 8t” have simply been identified by weapon: […]
Panzer Tracts No.22-4 – Sd.Kfz.7 Panzer Tracts No.22-4 – Sd.Kfz.7: The Sd.Kfz.7 was one of the most important German military vehicles. Due to their impressive size and the weapons they towed, they capture the imagination of all. Over time they faded into the background, though they were produced in ever-increasing numbers. The Panzer Tracts team […]
Panzer Tracts No.15-4: Final development of m.SPW – Schützenpanzer Sd.Kfz 251 to Vollketten M.S.P Kätzchen The first part of Panzer Tracts No.15-4 covers the ongoing development of the Sd.Kfz 251 with the objective of turning it into a suitable combat vehicle. By November 1941, a specification was issued for a fully tracked M.S.P. (Mittlerer Schützen […]