Greeting Panzerwreckers.
I am pleased to announce that Panzerwrecks has taken over Panzer Tracts, which closed its doors after many years of trading. The stock held in the US is making its way to the UK as I write this.
As many will know, Panzer Tracts by the late Tom Jentz, Hilary Doyle and latterly, Lukas Friedli is the gold standard in reference material for World War 2 Panzers. In a booklet style, and with trustworthy 1/35th scale drawings taken from many years of measuring the real thing.
Over the next few months, I will start reprinting some of the many sought-after but out-of-print titles. There will be no changes to the content. These reprinted titles will have a slightly lower price.
Keep an eye on the homepage for information, or visit the Panzer Tracts website. If you are on the Panzer List, you will be the first to be informed of updates.