Greetings Panzerwreckers. This location update comes from Mario Lippert, one of the Panzers in Berlin team. A tip of the hat to Mario for staying focussed, even with the book published. It transpires that the unusual OT gepanzerter Mannschaftstransportwagen is on Eichborndamm. Check out the link to Google Street View: Street View Link Do you […]
Category Archives: Panzers in Berlin 1945
It all started in early 2015 when I was contacted via the Panzerwrecks Facebook page by an unknown artist named Felipe Rodna, offering to create colour profiles. Discussions ensued, but the late Bill Auerbach was reticent, so the idea of including his artwork was shelved. Fast-forward to late 2015, when I was laying out my […]
Greetings Panzerwreckers It was brought to my attention today that the text at the bottom of page 22 has been cut off by the small table relating to H.St.Art.Bde.249. As much as I may wish to blame everyone else, it is a problem caused by me not triple-checking the multitude of small amendments that went […]
Period photographs come in all shapes and size, and more importantly, all conditions. Since cleaning my first photo for Panzerwrecks 1 in 2005, thousands of photos have passed over my graphics tablet, and the process has become more intuitive. I have trialled many techniques and a lot of software, but there is no substitute for […]
As you may have seen, Panzers in Berlin 1945 was published on 15 August. Although the staff at the warehouse started packing and shipping pre-orders as soon as the books arrived, it will take a little time to clear them all. We estimate that all pre-orders should have shipped by Tuesday 21 August. You’ll know […]
Greetings Panzerwreckers, Panzers in Berlin 1945 is progressing well and we are (currently) on track to meet our spring publication date. With this date being a wee while away, there are still plenty of things and people that could delay it … What started life as a 112-page softcover ‘In Focus’ book has blossomed into […]