Tag Archives: Pz.Kpfw.III

Panzerwrecks 24 updates from Stefano di Giusto

Panzerwrecks 24 P1

Stefano di Giusto touched base back in July (sorry about the delay in posting) with a couple of updates that might be useful for readers of Panzerwrecks 24. Over to Stefano: p.1: Very nice photo; note that the 3-pointed star used by 15.Pzgrendiv since mid-1944 is painted on the back of the PzIV on the […]

Panzerwrecks 19 P41 – location update

Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.N in Panzerwrecks 19, P41

Stefano Di Giusto and I have been corresponding recently with regard to Pz.Kpfw.IIIs in Austria and photographed by Allied servicemen after the war. During the course of our discussions, Stefano found the location of the Pz.Kpfw.III Ausf.N from Pz.Abt.212 shown on page 41 of Panzerwrecks 19. Click through to see the location in Google Street […]

Panzerwrecks 9 P27-37 – Pz.Kpfw.III (Fl)

When assembling the Pz.Kpfw.III (Fl) in focus feature in Panzerwrecks 9, which relied heavily on a technical intelligence report made by the US Army, we elected to leave out information relating to where best to shoot at the Flammpanzer & information on smoke grenades. Here are the two pages: Click to enlarge.

Panzerwrecks 9 – the missing Flammpanzers & a correction.

Most readers know that we try to give a subject as good a coverage as our page count permits. Sometimes photos are left out either because they do not tell any more to the story or in this case because the images are too poor. These two photographs were included on the original tech intell […]

Panzerwrecks 3 P18-19

Today we heard from Stefano Di Giusto, who helped to identify the units on the above pages. He  says: “In the previous edition, I identified the Pz III N as belonging to PzAbt 212, on the ground that Jeff’s photo was captioned as taken in the area of Udine. I have now gathered sure proof that […]

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